
Happy. Happy is such a complex word. As complex as one can make it I assume. I am still learning to be happy, even now. I must admit, that it is actually somewhat selfish. Why you ask? Well to be happy, you have to not care about what everyone else is going through. You can’t put their troubles on your shoulders. I used to do that for years. It would weigh me down so much that I didn’t know where my true problems began and someone else’s ended. Once you start caring is when all of the problems begin. You care about someone enough they will dump everything on you, so much that their problems are no longer theirs but your own in fact. Some people can be like parasites. They will suck all of your happiness away just so that they can feel one ounce of what you feel. Don’t let them or they will suck you dry and you will be left wondering what the hell happened.


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