FLASHBACK - 11/6/11

I have dissociative identity disorder....supposedly. FLASHBACK - Not meant for the faint at heart.
Anywho, I believe in spirits but not my "diagnosis"..well until things happen. 8 years ago around the time that my husband and I first met. There was an incident that he was able to witness. He was left frozen because of it. I thought I was possesed because this incident happened.  I felt like I was watching myself...It can't be real. Of course at the time I wasn't "diagnosed." This happened after yet another tragic incident in my life. Someone tried to rape me and slit my throat. I was tramatized after. I couldn't even leave the house without being terrified. 
Well after this incident with my husband, I seriously thought I was possessed or something because of what happened.
The bad thing is, the only reason that I know this incident happened for sure was because of the terror in his eyes...


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